After Johnson had acquired about $450,000 for the film's budget, Brick began production in 2003.
Johnson would soon acquire a loan for $15,000, and earned a $500,000 investment from John Malone to start the network.
An overhaul of the poorly maintained plant Johnson acquired in 1990 has just begun.
Johnson acquired his sobriquet "Allegheny" in command of this force.
Johnson & Johnson acquired Centocor in 1999 for $4.9 billion.
Johnson had not acquired a trapping license, which was considered odd for someone living in the bush.
Johnson and Whitney acquired a large collection over 40 years, but much was sold to support the trust after Johnson's death.
Johnson acquired over $17 million in federal and state stimulus dollars for law enforcement and community policing.
The article stressed the technical savvy that Johnson had acquired during her years with the company.
It sits on the northwest corner of the land Johnson had acquired with a government claim in 1904, three years before Oklahoma became a state.