John Day, for whom the river is named, apparently visited only its confluence with the Columbia in 1812.
The area around John Day contains some of the most important paleontological resources known.
I was with John Day in this country after that, and he saw more of it than any other man.
It had been a long time ago when he first came into this valley with old John Day.
He married Elizabeth, the daughter of John Day, in 1775.
Around two dozen publishers rejected her first novel, until the publishing house John Day finally said yes.
She'd later marry the director of John Day, which nearly became her personal press.
Since the 1930s, the city of John Day has served as the main economic center of the county, and boasts the largest population.
John Day, Money and finance in the age of merchant capitalism, 1999.
Some of the many authors associated with John Day.
John Day, for whom the river is named, apparently visited only its confluence with the Columbia in 1812.
The area around John Day contains some of the most important paleontological resources known.
I was with John Day in this country after that, and he saw more of it than any other man.
It had been a long time ago when he first came into this valley with old John Day.
He married Elizabeth, the daughter of John Day, in 1775.
Around two dozen publishers rejected her first novel, until the publishing house John Day finally said yes.
She'd later marry the director of John Day, which nearly became her personal press.
Since the 1930s, the city of John Day has served as the main economic center of the county, and boasts the largest population.
John Day, Money and finance in the age of merchant capitalism, 1999.
Some of the many authors associated with John Day.