Although shock and sorrow dominated, anger also colored the Jewish reaction to the assassination.
Jewish reactions to the motu proprio underlined their concern that the traditional formulation, which Jews felt offensive, would be more broadly used.
He is also a published authority on Jewish reactions to Hellenism and to Christianity.
And I've heard from the local level that Presbyterians, regardless of where they fall on these issues, were surprised by the intensity of the Jewish reaction.
The British, fearful of the Jewish reaction to executions in the holy city, never used the gallows for Jews.
Jewish reactions, he suggests, were conditioned by age-old traditions of accommodation.
Part of that history is tragic and, for that reason, fear was the initial Jewish reaction to the Torah burning last weekend in a Brooklyn synagogue.
Jewish reaction on Friedländer's initiative was overwhelmingly hostile, and it was called "a dishonorable act" and "desertion".
On Jewish reaction, Elon writes:
In January 2009, he also argued that the Jewish reaction to the lifting of the excommunication of bishop Richard Williamson was rather disproportionate.