But he did allow the Jewish exiles to return home, though not in the triumphant manner which Deutero-Isaiah expected.
Contrary to rumors spread abroad, supposedly by Jewish exiles, German culture, it was claimed, still had cachet, with Strauss as its symbol.
It acknowledges the Jewish exile over the millennia, mentioning both ancient "faith" and new "politics":
We're used to hearing accounts of Jewish exile, and tales of violence in Iraq, but this is the untold story.
Between 1936-39 he brought Jewish exiles to Pound Ridge to restore classic homes.
Soon after Alexander's accession to the throne of Poland he permitted the Jewish exiles to return to Lithuania.
After all the years of Jewish exile it seems like a new invention.
This is described to be a climactic war that is said to occur at the end of the Jewish exile.
They viewed things in the context of the end of the Jewish exile, golus (galut), with the imminent coming of the messianic era.
Cyrus sent the Jewish exiles back to Israel from the Babylonian Captivity.