Jewish commentaries have shed a negative view on Esau because of his rivalry with Jacob.
Jewish commentaries on the Bible give various reasons to the logic behind the divine choice of Aharon and his sons for the priesthood.
According to Jewish commentaries, this myth is meant to express a mystical idea.
Jewish commentaries on the Bible Other translations:
JCN functioned as a clearinghouse for independent Jewish commentary at a time in the mid-1990s before there were organized blogging sites.
Some Jewish commentaries on the age of the Universe delve into the Omphalos hypothesis.
Throughout the Old Testament and Jewish commentaries it is asserted that worship without a moral life is useless.
These incidents are thought to have been derived from popular elaborations of the story or from Jewish commentaries on the text.
(A scholarly Jewish commentary employing traditional sources.)
In addition to hewing closely to the text, he looked for guidance to the Midrash, the medieval Jewish commentary on Scripture.