The Jets did everything, in fact, but stop Manning when he had the football in his hands for the last time.
The Jets stopped running well short of the baseline for Martin to feel comfortable, though - about 15 carries.
The Jets have stopped the Dolphins five of the last six times they met.
The Jets would stop him for one or two plays, but he would always come up with a big gain.
Evans and his agents told the Jets about the possible suspension and negotiations stopped.
"Maybe the Jets should stop worrying about me," Johnson said.
For much of the game, the Jets could not stop Dillon.
He added that the Jets had stopped themselves in those situations in ways glaring and small.
The Jets stopped them on their only two times there today.
Ahead by 27-7 with 2:20 left, the Jets had just stopped the Chargers on third-and-7 from their 9.