"It's basically a play when everyone acts like they're still a kid in the schoolyard," Jets guard Pete Kendall said.
The Jets' left tackle, Jeff Criswell, was guarding him.
"We're not a line that's going to back down from anyone," Jets guard Randy Thomas said.
"I like the challenge," Jets guard Dwayne White said.
Jets guard Dwayne White said in reference to Sweeney.
Also, the Jets drafted Michigan guard Jonathan Goodwin in the fifth round last month.
"If guys are able to look at the big picture, we'll be fine," Jets guard Pete Kendall said.
"Every game is different and you don't want to think too much about the last one," said Jets guard Dwayne White.
For this one playoff Sunday, on the road, Jets guard Pete Kendall was clear as to which of these qualities he prefers.
"It was the strangest game I've ever been associated with," said Jets guard Dave Cadigan.