When,Israel discovers that Iraq has nukes, they plan a preemptive strike on Baghdad with Jericho missiles.
If we launch those Jericho missiles at Iraq, will I ever see my wife again?
I just got off the phofie with the Secretary of State, and she wants me removed from office for putting the Jericho missiles on alert.
An Israeli Weapon Israel has tested the Jericho 2 missile, with an estimated range of 900 miles.
In the military establishment, some advocate a limited response, using Israeli surface-to-surface Jericho missiles and the nation's powerful air force.
This time they'll use Jericho missiles, with nuclear warheads.
American officials say Israel used a new version of its medium-range Jericho missile to put the Ofek-1 satellite into space.
Delivery mechanisms include Jericho intercontinental ballistic missiles, with a range of 11,500 km, and which are believed to provide a second-strike option.
Israel has deployed a 400 mile-range Jericho missile and tested a 900 mile-range version of the weapon, according to the United States.
He flies to Afghanistan to show off a new weapon called the "Jericho" missile to the United States Army.