The crystal energy chamber is the reason why all lightsabers are built by hand, and then only in the latter stages of Jedi training.
The older one, Arcadia, has been a little mouse of a healer ever since she emerged from Jedi training.
One of the aspects of Jedi training is mind control; by learning to discipline your own mind, you can shape the thoughts of others.
General Kenobi was talking about Jedi training last night, and I got curious.
"So what is Jedi training all about?"
Anakin is chafing under the yoke of Jedi training, feeling like his exceptional abilities are being stifled.
In his Jedi training, Luke gets a vision that his friends are in danger and tries to help them.
The title of "Youngling" is the first part of Jedi training.
Leja had never really gotten caught up on her Jedi training.
The Council might find the boy possessed of more midi-chlorians than normal, but they would never accept him for Jedi training.