Gesang was born in the central Javanese city of Surakarta (Solo).
The cast included members of the royal court of Surakarta, a Javanese city also known as Solo, which is Mr. Kusumo's birthplace.
He returned late the previous evening from the eastern Javanese city of Surabaya, where the police arrested 102 Laskar Jihad members for trashing gambling clubs in December.
A dance style associated with the Javanese city of Cirebon, "Topeng Cirebon" is essentially a solo art.
In the central Javanese city of Solo, the most devastated city in the huge riots of early 1998, armed thugs have threatened reporters in their newsroom.
During the invasions he managed to mobilize vessels from Javanese coastal cities to Malay Peninsula.
Thousands of students battled today with the police and military forces in Jakarta and Surakarta, a central Javanese city that is the center of Indonesia's batik industry.
In the central Javanese city of Jolo, bands of young men have gone from hotel to hotel examining guest registers.
She visited the Javanese cities of Weltevreden in June and Batavia at the beginning of July.
Trade relations between the Melayu Kingdom in Jambi and Javanese coastal cities have thrived since the 13th century.