Mr. Sakai persuaded Itochu International, a Japanese trading and investment company, to invest $600,000.
Shares of these companies and others that invested in Princeton Notes have fallen in Japanese trading in recent days.
Markets The dollar fell against the mark and the yen in Japanese trading.
In Japanese trading earlier, the dollar fell as low as 125.78 yen.
The trend continued yesterday, exacerbated slightly by the absence of Japanese trading.
The dollar closed today at yet another new low in Japanese trading, ending at 116.78 yen.
They have been eager to become members of the exchange so they can increase the profitability of their Japanese trading.
Chungking, Soochow, Hangchow and Shashih had to be opened for Japanese trading.
The dollar finished lower against the yen in Japanese trading.
Korea subsequently agreed to grant the Japanese limited trading privileges.