When 'Contra' was covered in the debut issue of 'Nintendo Power' magazine, the original Japanese plot was used for the article.
I feel compelled to issue this disclaimer because so much of the literature under review casts suspicions on any academic who dares suggest that a Japanese plot may not be under way.
It starts with a prologue set in 1945 - all Big Books have a prologue - and jumps to 1993 and a Japanese plot to take over the United States.
That was meant to exploit fears of supposed American and Japanese plots to divide and conquer, though in fact both powers have an intense interest in a strong and stable Europe.
"They say it is all a Japanese plot to steal Taiwan from China."
Jack Ryan and the C.I.A. vs. a Japanese plot to strike America's territory and economy.
Jack Ryan and C.I.A. agents vs. a Japanese plot.
Later scholarly sources conclude that the assassination was a Japanese plot in response to Nima-odsor's Mongol nationalism and opposition to Japanese expansionism.
Jack Ryan 11 vs. a Japanese plot.
Such things as a missing Z-boat, a vanished commander, Japanese plots, piracy on the high seas, were scarcely of moment to Lamont Cranston.