In 1924, a Japanese physicist, Hantaro Nagaoka, accomplished the same feat.
The researchers applied this change in variability to a mathematical model for synchronization developed by a Japanese physicist, Yoshiki Kuramoto.
It is named after Kazuhiko Ukai, a Japanese physicist at Waseda University.
Akira Tonomura, 70, Japanese physicist, pancreatic cancer.
The proud Japanese physicist was now staring directly into Nicole's eyes, entreating her to understand.
His team included Hideki Yukawa, who would become in 1949 the first Japanese physicist to receive a Nobel Prize.
Next we hear the story of Angie, whose real name is Saki, the daughter of a Japanese physicist working for a US defense project.
It is named after the Japanese physicist and low-temperature scientist Ukichiro Nakaya.
Hidetsugu Ikegami is a Japanese physicist.
The dour Japanese physicist glared sourly as she arrived.