The islands are an intermittent rallying point for Japanese nationalists, and, as such, a hot-button political issue in Japan.
New Proposals served as an inspiration for Japanese nationalists throughout the 19th century leading up to the Meiji Restoration-1869.
Another news commentator similarly suggested that Japanese nationalists were behind the site.
Many Japanese nationalists were drawn to it as an ideal.
Japanese nationalists, however, were incensed by the emergence of the bustling cosmopolitan city.
By constantly excoriating the Japanese nationalists of the 1930's, they are emulating them.
The show of force kept most protesters in check, but slogans shouted by pro-China or pro-Tibet demonstrators, Japanese nationalists, and human rights organizations flooded the air.
The photograph was denounced by Japanese nationalists who argued that it was staged.
It is thought to be made by fundamental Japanese nationalists.
Likewise, ethnic homogeneity might appeal to Japanese nationalists, but American and, increasingly, European success depends on precisely the opposite.