A modern-day Japanese housewife, who prides herself on a clean home, a balanced budget, and a frugal yet "tasty" dinner.
After marrying Matsumoto she ended her career and started to live as a traditional Japanese housewife.
That appears to be just what many Japanese housewives fear.
Japanese-made radios, tape recorders and such cost more here than in foreign markets, and Japanese housewives never complain.
Nine Japanese housewives interviewed about their spending habits and the economy said they were trying to limit purchases to necessities.
Mrs. Taoka is more accustomed to job mobility than most Japanese housewives.
"Japanese housewives realize the importance of differences in interest yields," he says.
And anyone who has tried to sweep wet, fallen leaves off their steps or street (as any Japanese housewife has) knows how impossible it is.
He answered by describing his hopes of building housing in outer space so that "poor Japanese housewives" would "have room to enjoy bigger refrigerators."
Thanks to our banks I think Japanese housewives funded our mortgages.