The funds that invest in Japanese equities have long been due for a comeback.
This was largely attributable to the rebound in Japanese equities.
Having spent some time in Japan before university, his interest in the country led him to Japanese equities and trading.
The index generally carries a big weighting of Japanese equities - 23 percent at latest count.
Why can Japanese equities, in small doses, help diversify your holdings?
It is fairly easy for American investors to buy Japanese equities.
The stock market, in turn, has been weighed down by all that selling, along with a marked distaste for Japanese equities among foreign institutions.
Now, although some Japanese equities are hitting 17-year lows, many foreign investors wonder where the bottom is.
But after a devastating first quarter, a number of portfolio managers and investors have started creeping back into Japanese equities.
The increase in the dollar , however, did little to dent the healthy growth of Japanese equities.