A more active Japanese contribution to world affairs is desirable, but need not involve lowering inhibitions about the use of military force.
The Japanese contribution to Hawaii, first as farm workers and later as business executives and politicians, has been extensive.
Elsewhere as we draw nearer to our own century, it has to be said that the Japanese contribution eventually goes steeply downhill.
This was the first Japanese contribution to the philosophy of science.
Part of the Japanese contribution may come in equipment.
Especially the allegations about the Japanese contributions being funneled through employees of the ski company.
Despite the Japanese contribution to the film's production, the film has generated some strong responses.
Harper's Weekly, a national magazine, ran an article in March 1893 showing the construction of the Japanese contributions to the exhibition.
Except for the arena, itself, the only Japanese contribution was the crowd, 10,111 fans.
The Japanese contribution, which has been promised since Tokyo came up with its own debt proposals last summer, was welcomed by a number of governments.