Japan Town is comprised of several buildings connected by a network of traditional Japanese bridges.
It then featured some footage of a Japanese bridge.
Landmarks include the lily-laden lake to which the painter devoted his later years, along with the Japanese bridge spanning it.
A particular highlight is the water-lily pond with its famous Japanese bridge which featured in many of Monet's masterpieces.
Instead, in 1899 and 1900 he did a series of oils of the Japanese bridge and the waterlily pond.
The Japanese bridge crossing the famous water-lily pond also featured in Monet's paintings.
Monet had used an exuberant palette in the second year of his series on the Japanese bridge in 1900.
A Japanese bridge was built across an arm of the reservoir to bring visitors to the secluded Shrine hidden behind the trees.
In 1899 he began a series of paintings of the lily pond with its Japanese bridge in his famous garden at Giverny.
The grounds were leased to a Japanese person who built moats with typical Japanese wooden bridges and a teahouse.