Or that 250 tons of ore must be moved to obtain a one-carat polished diamond or that 75 percent of Japanese brides today wear diamond engagement rings?
Today nine out of ten Japanese brides choose platinum for their wedding rings.
Rice farmers, unable to find Japanese brides, started marrying women from poorer Asian countries, particularly the Philippines.
They all think they're getting the kind of Japanese bride that used to flourish in southern Japan forty years ago.
Made by Jonathan Aston, an English hosiery company, they are a type now popular with Japanese brides.
As the modest Japanese bride, she virtually purred with feline grace in a ceremonial encounter with Mr. Soto as her groom.
Getting African-American men to wear bling works for them as well as their 1950's campaigns to get Japanese brides to demand solitaires.
Japanese brides are spared the inconvenience of traveling with a cumbersome wedding gown.
Still photos of the Japanese brides and of impoverished women in a migrant camp in the 1930s are the work of noted photographer, Dorothea Lange.
Every day we see several Japanese brides, who look delicate as blossoms in their flowing white gowns, as they pose for pictures by the sea.