Unlike many Japanese bikes in the popular cruiser category, Ducati had no need to borrow heritage from others.
On the race tracks too, the Japanese bikes dominated.
Or did it, by raising the prices of Japanese bikes, deal a body-blow to motorcycling in this country?
And the tariff took many Japanese bikes out of range for beginners.
Like all Japanese bikes, it's easy enough to ride gently, with the motor purring like a contented lion.
For the Japanese bikes, which are more plentiful, the reasons are rooted in the steeply rising prices.
Rourke liked Harleys, but some of the Japanese bikes were very good.
Very few Agustas were sold because they were extremely expensive when compared to Japanese bikes.
The brown- haired girl was less than ten yards ahead of him now, the Japanese bike she rode seemingly at full throttle.
Some of them own several motorcycles, including high-end Italian and Japanese bikes designed for racing.