Originally, the air base was a Japanese military base formed in 1939.
Chuanbao makes a joke about "undermining" the entire Japanese base.
There was debate over how much of a threat the Japanese base at Kavieng was.
The aborigines launched numerous assaults to the Japanese military bases.
Her initial duties were to transport aircraft to Japanese overseas bases.
This was to contribute to the increased isolation and harassment of the major Japanese base at Rabaul.
According to the court, Japanese soldiers took the 15-year-old from her older sister's house to a Japanese military base.
This plan involved bypassing major Japanese bases, which would continue to operate in the allied rear.
During the Sino-Japanese war in 1894-1895 the land was used as a Japanese military base.
We, however, would find it difficult, if not impossible, to maintain a forward presence in the Pacific without easy access to Japanese bases.