Janus Capital, which specializes in growth and technology stocks, has benefited from all three factors.
Janus Capital, the mutual fund company, faces some hard issues.
Thomas F. Marsico was a star money manager at Janus Capital before he left three years ago to form his own company.
He joins from Janus Capital, where he was executive vice president and chief financial officer.
Janus Capital, which topped the list for much of the year, was second, with 41.4 million shares.
Janus Capital has a new fund that invests in companies with market capitalizations of $1 billion to $5 billion.
The company has traded as Janus Capital only since January 2003.
But last year, it relinquished its sales title to Janus Capital of Denver.
Consider Janus Capital, a small Denver-based fund group with $1.7 billion in assets.
Likewise, Janus Capital, one of the industry's hottest money management firms, does not offer its management talent through separate account programs.