Previously, he had also noted improvements in a January report.
To be sure, the January report was a bit worse than anticipated.
A January 2011 report, however, claimed evidence of leakage in land above that project.
"Very few seem to understand that we are on the edge of a financial and business precipice," Probe said in the January report.
The January report was the first to use the new method, which had been under development since the Reagan Administration.
The January 2009 financial report for the company recorded a drop of more than 97% in income in comparison to the previous year.
In addition to arson, the January report said the strongest charge being considered was that of causing widespread injury and danger.
Analysts said the January report was an unpleasant surprise, particularly because interest rates have been falling.
"Zepeda included these in his January report knowing that they were false."
The January report showed the same scattered mix of higher and lower prices that has characterized the monthly reports since last summer.