Perumpilly has a very famous Jacobite church , the Perumpilly Simhasana Church.
This church is the resting place of Catholicos Baselios Eldho, a saint of the Jacobite church.
Inspired by Kurian Kathanar, he became a Kathanar (Deacon) in the Jacobite church.
These were sharply divided by doctrinal differences into Monophysites, linked to the Jacobite church of Syria, and Nestorians.
On 18 October 1166 he was elected Patriarch of the Jacobite church, and consecrated in the presence of twenty-eight bishops.
He wrote works on the liturgy, on the doctrine of the Jacobite church, and on canon law.
The Nestorian community in Tagrit was never large (Tagrit had ten Jacobite churches in the thirteenth century, but only a single Nestorian church).
The sites of CSI Church and School and that of Jacobite church at Chettiyare were donated by Payikad Kaimal.
The continuator of the Ecclesiastical History of Bar Hebraeus mentions several contacts between Denha II and the Jacobite church in Karamlish between 1358 and 1364.
Muvattupuzha is the seat of Muvattupuzha diocese of Jacobite church and Kandanad East diocese of Malankara Orthodox Church.