Jackson suggested possible retirement after the shows; he said it would be his "final curtain call".
Jackson, the Yankees' special assistant who is traveling with the team, suggested that Strawberry should imagine what he would do to each pitch.
'If you can find anything left to burn, a fire might help us,' Jackson suggested.
Jackson suggests that Mary is simply discovering a new way for her brain to represent qualities that exist in the world.
Jackson suggested that the decision on Torre could say plenty about Cashman's influence.
"The ones with the bubble packing inside," Jackson suggested.
Quietly, she said, "Jackson also suggests there were no leaves trampled, no other path of escape."
They acknowledged that Jackson meant well and suggested that he write an explanation in the album booklet.
"Except that we've learned the place of departure," suggested Jackson.
Jackson accepts the interpretation but suggests that a force of 300 men would be much too small to undertake the task demanded of them.