Jackson founded the Heal the World Foundation in 1992.
Long before Jackson founded his winery in 1982, he worked as a police officer while in law school at the University of California, Berkeley.
In 1987 Jackson founded JobCenter, Inc., a not-for-profit employment agency for persons with special needs.
Jackson founded Silicon Beach Software in 1984.
Jackson founded the "Heal the World Foundation" in 1992, inspired by his charity single of the same name.
In 1951, Jackson founded Landscape magazine, a journal he published and edited until 1968.
Jackson founded the charity in 1992, naming it after his hit song, "Heal the World".
Jackson founded the Jackson Investment Company in 1995.
Jackson founded a public relations company with her business partner Kita Williams.
Jackson founded the Grolier Society, which specialized in making extra-fine editions of classics and rare literature.