They were posted to Moscow in 1961, 1974, 1981, and finally in 1987 when Jack Matlock was appointed Ambassador to the Soviet Union.
Jack Matlock was Vice Consul when they first came to Moscow.
Later, Jack Matlock was promoted to Third Secretary in the Political Section.
In the summer of 1981 Jack Matlock was acting Ambassador, or Chargé d'Affaires in Moscow.
Mr. Gorbachev informed the American Ambassador, Jack Matlock, about the trip at a meeting in Moscow today.
Jack Matlock at WACA 2006 (video) (Feb 26, 2006)
Speedie, David C. David Speedie Interviews Jack Matlock (video) (July 18, 2008)
To the Editor: Jack Matlock's review of "Argument Without End" and "Choosing War" (Aug. 8) is an important contribution to setting the record on Vietnam straight.
Jack Matlock, the American Ambassador to Moscow, met with Foreign Minister Eduard A. Shevardnadze to discuss arms control issues, among other things, officials said.
Marlin Fitzwater, the White House spokesman, said the letter was delivered today by Jack Matlock, the American Ambassador to Europe.