"Sometimes, extreme acts of violence seem to come out of nowhere," said Jack Levin, a criminologist and director of the Brudnick Center on Violence at Northeastern University in Boston.
"Other societies may have lots of frustrations, people who lose their jobs, but they don't have the gun around, and you don't hear about people being massacred," said Jack Levin, a sociologist.
Mr. Fox and a Northeastern sociologist, Jack Levin, are co-authors of "Mass Murder - America's Growing Menace."
"It was the wrong decision," said Jack Levin, an expert on serial killing at Northeastern University in Boston, whose views were echoed by other critics.
F-Zero GP Legend (Jack Levin)
Jack Levin, Montgomery's managing partner, said the firm wanted to tell regulators that the earlier opening would be "detrimental to the market, to brokers, as well as investors."
Jack Levin, a Northeastern University criminologist, said, "A serial killer who targets strangers and then suddenly asks for a ransom?
Some Guy Who Kills People is a 2012 American satirical-comedy film directed by Jack Perez and written by Jack Levin.
Indeed, Jack Levin, a criminologist at Northeastern University, calls the suburban sniper "the adult version of the Columbine killers."
"Most serial killers torture their victims to achieve a sense of power and dominance," said Jack Levin, a professor of sociology and criminology at Northeastern University in Boston.