For some this demonstrated what a status symbol JD Sports has become.
JD Sports' Carbrini Sportswear brand sponsored the club in the 2008-09 and 2009-10 seasons.
I'm a student eligible for free school meals but you don't see me trashing JD Sports.
How bigger shareholder are the police of JD Sports...?
Tennants on the park include JD Sports and Wincanton plc.
Starts seeing a girl called Simone who works in JD Sports with his friend Dan.
Kostroma left JD Sports and took up the new position with this new company towards the end of the year "with open arms".
Cabrini sportswear is a brand of clothing owned by and sold exclusively at JD Sports.
Carbrini was first introduced to JD Sports in 2006 with their funky clothing line of urban footwear.
Broken mannequins lay on the floor outside JD Sport, their plastic arms and heads scattered around their torsos.