The Italianate structure was built of red and buff colored bricks.
The office building was originally built as a two-story Italianate structure with a flat roof.
These new buildings were Italianate structures built of brick, the better to survive future fires.
An Italianate structure built from 1879 to 1880, this building is today used for residential purposes.
This large, ornate, Italianate structure was to last less than a hundred years.
This Italianate structure was erected around 1866, since that date it has been altered from its original appearance.
A replica of the Italianate structure was erected in 1887.
Cottage-style buildings tend to have been built earlier, with Italianate structures more popular after 1870.
Opened in 1883, the four-story Italianate structure formerly housed the entire school.
The original neoclassical house seen in the film has since been replaced by an enormous Italianate structure.