I forced myself to my feet against the urging and advice of Italian policemen.
Standing within a neat line of religious statues, a young Italian policeman with a rifle watched me approach.
Should he look up that Italian policeman and suggest that the pair be apprehended and brought back to San Remo?
An Italian policeman who questioned Restivo described him as "cunning" and "precise in his answers".
Franco Gabrielli (born 13 February 1960) is an Italian policeman.
In the all-Albanian village of Trstenik, an Italian policeman lost his temper and cursed at the unruly crowd.
He did not calculate that the Italian policemen had been using .25 caliber weapons.
The anger of the Italian policeman, which he expressed volubly to Father Brown, was largely mixed with admiration.
Wherever she went, five Italian policemen with machine guns followed.
But not until three Italian policemen had intervened in his behalf.