The orientation of the menu is decidedly Italian, but intelligently expressed, with Italian ingredients turning up here and there in unexpected ways.
Italian ingredients are available at supermarkets and at a growing number of specialty stores.
He also notes the increasing availability of authentic Italian ingredients.
Other dishes make use of Italian ingredients in contemporary American (and thus nontraditional) ways.
Indian, Italian and French ingredients and techniques also play into it.
Italian fare and Italian ingredients are all over the place in Athens these days.
Despite the general availability of many Italian ingredients throughout the city, ethnic markets continue to offer advantages in variety, freshness and price.
"I use Italian ingredients to make a dish that falls into the concept of Italian countryside food," he said.
Small and large plates feature Italian ingredients.
On a recent evening, a center table held a bouquet of dazzling red gladioluses surrounded by country breads, pastas and other Italian ingredients.