One recent Government report found that in 1996, 2,518 Italian farmers claimed to have produced 205,000 tons of milk, though they owned no cows.
The commission and other member states want to be certain Italian farmers will respect the new quotas after overproducing for years.
Italian farmers can claim a 50 per cent.
At the same time, an agricultural depression occurred; foreign markets for grapes and citrus fruits were lost to southern Italian farmers.
It was part of a retaining wall built by an Italian farmer to stop erosion on a natural mesa on his property.
Agricultural groups estimate the financial toll on Italian farmers at about $6 billion so far.
Italian farmers cultivated lands that had been lost to the desert for centuries.
In addition, Italian small farmers had occupied much public land.
Italian farmers described the deal as "completely unsatisfactory."
I would therefore ask you to clarify this point, or I will not be a bearer of good news for the Italian farmers.