Parmalat, the bankrupt Italian dairy and food company, sued 45 banks on Thursday seeking to recover money it paid to them in the year before the company's collapse.
It is used in some Italian dairies making Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana padano cheeses and in Swiss Alp cheeses.
The Italian police on Saturday detained Calisto Tanzi, the founder and former chairman of the Italian dairy and food group Parmalat, according to news agency reports.
Mrs. Cappezza's family owned Carl's Dairy, an Italian dairy and sandwich store on Ditmars Boulevard in Astoria.
Sterilgarda Alimenti S.p.A. is an Italian dairy produce company, based in Castiglione delle Stiviere in the Province of Mantua.
Parmalat SpA is a multinational Italian dairy and food corporation.
It is used in some Italian dairies making Parmigiano-Reggiano and Grana Padano cheeses and in Swiss Alp cheeses.
He worked on the IPO of Parmalat, an Italian dairy and food corporation, which led him to be involved in the negotiations for the acquisition of Federconsorzi in 1991.
The OAK brand is now owned by Parmalat - a mulitnational Italian dairy and food corporation.
After weeks on the brink of default, the Italian dairy and food giant Parmalat filed for protection from creditors on Wednesday under a new Italian government decree.