After World War I, the surrounding territory came under Italian control with some resistance.
Effective Italian control remained largely limited to the coastal areas until the early 1920s.
After Greece's surrender to the Axis, the island came under Italian control and occupation.
Ethiopia was not named in the agreements, but it was clear the British government intended to ignore the Italian control over that country.
The country came under direct Italian control.
Other sectors will be under British, French, Italian and German control.
Ninety percent of the quota places available to immigrants from countries under German and Italian control were never filled.
Scouting units spread from there, first into Istria (then under Italian control) in 1911.
After the initial invasion in 1911, the Italian control over much of the country remained ineffective.
In 1953 it was returned to Italian control, since when it has been substantially remodelled, mostly in 1996.