Before then, Israeli villages were often hit by rockets showered down on them from the Golan Heights.
Hezbollah retaliated with rocket attacks on Israeli villages, though inflicting significantly fewer casualties.
The residents fled when it was captured and the Israeli village of Aminadav was built on the land.
Nearby Israeli villages had additional troops, but they did little to alleviate the pressure on Nirim.
Israeli villages, founded on rising ground, sit fenced about with coiled wire.
Until Israel captured them in the war of 1967, the heights were used by Syrian gunners to fire down into Israeli villages.
Fainting, he starts out on a dream trip to spend some weeks in a far-away, backward Israeli village that has little contact with civilization.
Syrians fired down on Israeli villages from those heights until Syria attacked Israel in 1967 and lost it all.
Against this background consider Israel's response to Arafat's escalation to mortar attacks on Israeli villages.
If the effort does not provide security for the Israeli village of Sederot, he said, "we will be forced to widen and deepen" the operation.