America was now committing its own troops to Israeli defense.
It was believed that achieving this mission would cause the Israeli defenses to collapse.
He also said terrorists sometimes dispatched children to test Israeli defenses.
The Likud ministers held to these views right through today's voting, even though the Israeli defense and financial establishment opposed them.
The division, with its attached armoured brigade, lost a great number of tanks when trying on many accounts to rush the Israeli defenses.
The penetration of Israeli defenses was a complicated operation.
About $1.8 billion is for loans to buy American weapons essential to Israeli defense.
Finally, they had to breach the minefields around Israeli defenses for the assault infantry.
The Syrians pierced the Israeli defense, but their infantry was at some distance behind the tanks.
"Sir," he said, when he was permitted to enter, "we have regained control of the Israeli strategic defense."