The Israeli command said its planes had returned safely after hitting "a launching pad for attacks on Israel."
The Israeli high command issued the order to use no armor in the old city.
Israeli officers later insisted that the evacuation order did not come from the Israeli high command.
But the Israeli high command was insistent, believing that until the east bank was secure, forces on the west bank could be cut off.
The Israeli command answered that it had sent aircraft to assist, but these did not arrive during the battle.
The Israeli high command had issued an order to cease all attacks by 15:00 that day, and reiterated it at 17:30.
Despite Negev's achievements, they were also given an order to retreat, as the Israeli command did not wish to fight in broad daylight.
Disputes between the two sides and dissension in the Israeli high command over security arrangements pushed the date back.
The police officers would remain under Israeli civil command, Mr. Rabin said.
The Israeli high command had decided that the war would be led by the air force.