He ridiculed Israeli claims to have relaxed the Bethlehem checkpoint during the holy days.
Syria dismissed the Israeli claim, calling it a civilian facility for Palestinians.
So far, the Bush administration has not backed the Israeli claim that Mr. Arafat was involved.
The violence of the last week has tested the Israeli claim that, recently, only its forces stood between Israeli citizens and terror attacks.
American intelligence experts spent the night analyzing each of the Israeli claims.
The Vatican, like most states, has not recognized the Israeli claim to all of Jerusalem.
To the Palestinian leadership, the events are "a crude attempt" to exploit Jerusalem's past to promote Israeli claims to the city's future.
What about the Israeli claim that you've also supported terrorist groups?
Palestinian officials initially denied the Israeli claims, saying the three officers were chasing suspected drug smugglers when they were arrested.
The attack "proved invalid the Israeli claim that the so-called security zone protects Israel's security," the radio said.