The situation that developed over the next thirty-six hours would prove to be the gravest test of Israeli arms since 1948.
The Tripartite declaration also stipulated close consultation among the three powers with a view to limiting the Arab - Israeli arms race.
Despite being sold, a stipulation of the deal allowed the Israeli arm of Cyota to remain intact.
The Galil is a family of Israeli small arms.
So far the Bush-Baker evenhandedness has consisted largely of using both hands to twist the Israeli arm.
Today a substantial portion of India's military budget is spent on Israeli arms and military training.
The Israeli arm occupied the hippodrome during the Invasion of Lebanon in 1982.
As a textbook case, these knowledgeable sources cite Israeli arms and advice sold to the death squads of the Colombian cocaine cartel.
We asked Peres if we could sell Israeli arms.
Ethiopia cut off the flow intermittently in an effort to obtain Israeli arms.