In contrast, issues such as the Israel-Palestinian conflict are much less contentious.
But the responses of George Bush have exacerbated this, with his two wars and the failure to tackle the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
Harriet and others here might find it informative and useful in understanding some of the dynamics of the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
In the context of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, for example, consider:
In the context of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, for example, consider the overall impression given by:
As noted below, the Israel-Palestinian conflict is one recent example of asymmetric warfare.
More specific is a sense of outrage at American support for Israel in the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
Al Qaedais not relevant to the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
The right to self-determination as outlined in public international law is often referenced by both sides in the ongoing Israel-Palestinian conflict.
Husain supports a two-state solution to end the Israel-Palestinian conflict.