The Devil's Island Lighthouse built in 1877, replacing an earlier tower built in 1852, is still standing but is not functional and is threatened.
To the east of the building's site is the old Plum Island Lighthouse.
Off the shores of Upper and Middle Hoopers Island is the Hooper's Island Lighthouse.
Triple Island Lighthouse is a large, manned light station on Triple Island.
WHAT - Fire Island Lighthouse.
Fire Island Lighthouse (Massive numbers of migrating birds) hawks, osprey, merlins, meadowlarks, flickers and eagle (rare) 2.
Faulkner's Island Lighthouse, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, was commissioned by Thomas Jefferson in 1802.
The restored Fire Island Lighthouse is bringing loads of visitors to the beach, including children.
The special edition New Jersey license plate known as "Baymen's Heritage" features an image of the Tucker's Island Lighthouse along with a Canada Goose decoy.
Farne Island Lighthouse (built in 1673 but never lit; replacement built in 1778, which was itself replaced with the current Farne Lighthouse in 1811)