Muhammad continued to talk to them, emphasizing their Islamic unity and brotherhood until their tears ran down in emotion and they embraced one another.
Nasr urged him to present himself to the caliph, to maintain Islamic unity.
Strengthening and protecting the existing bonds of Islamic unity.
Much more than being against the West, Muslims are interested in re-establishing an Islamic unity and incorporating Western technology and science into Islam.
"Our Arabic, Islamic unity has brought us together, shining again."
He also desired to promote Islamic unity and concern to help end the oppression and subjugation of Muslims in the world.
Without Alai, there's no Islamic unity, because only Alai can lead them to victory.
I would have given anything to go back to geology, but there I was, stuck, the symbol of Islamic unity for millions of people.
He also alleged that Jews around the world were trying to prevent Islamic and Egyptian unity.
Rida promoted a restoration or rejuvenation of the Caliphate for Islamic unity, and "democratic consultation on the part of the government, which he called "shura"."