Russia hit by new Islamic offensive 64 people were killed and 133 were injured in the explosion.
Islamic people total 54,000 in Guyana, making up 7.2% of the national population.
I think for Islamic people, the text and the image are the same.
Several say and some defend with the argument that they may have done this for fear they would provoke the Islamic people further.
"We want this idea to live among the Arab people, the Islamic people."
Everybody dressed only in two pieces of white cloth, all of the Islamic people will be the same.
They're owned by the Islamic people and after the explosions, they shut down tight.
Conflict between the Islamic people and their Confucian hosts is not exactly new.
"Strict Islamic people don't like it, but that's only a small minority," he said.
"If these Islamic people get their way, we'll have to cover all the way," she said.