The Kurdish geographical name changes were exempt under the Ottoman Empire due to the Islamic religious orientation of Kurds.
Mustafa Kemal had been a vocal critic of the Ottoman House and its Islamic orientation.
A number of smaller Islamic organizations cover a broad range of Islamic doctrinal orientations.
The three insurgent parties without an Islamic fundamentalist or otherwise militant orientation made no effort to order their supporters to attend.
Egypt is now riven between a Western and an Islamic orientation.
He just defined these ideals differently and gave them an Islamic orientation, but this would be impossible for somebody with the "false consciousness" of secularism to understand.
The group has never publicly told a specific ideology, but their name implies a fundamentalist Islamic orientation.
The manual tells undercover operatives to "have a general appearance that does not indicate Islamic orientation," which is how the hijackers lived in the United States.
Have a general appearance that does not indicate Islamic orientation (beard, toothpick, book, long shirt, small Koran).
In the late 1970s many violent clashes were based on the conflict between the two Islamic orientations.