Idgah may also refer to a place for public prayers during the Islamic festivals of Eid.
Last week, Muslim nations complained that the June 1-12 conference dates coincided with an Islamic festival.
On May 14, a lone woman blew herself up at an Islamic festival, killing another 16 people.
Of Arab origin, the dance is performed to celebrate Islamic festivals and holidays.
It worked out to a few ounces per tent, a bite or two per person for the coming Islamic festival of Id al-Fitr.
Ceremonies to mark Islamic and Christian festivals have been targeted, including near churches or holy areas.
In Islam, Eid is the name of two Islamic festivals:
Ahead of the Islamic festival, Eid al-Adha, they were used to transport live cattle.
The reason doors were to be left open so as to determine whether they secretly observed any Islamic festivals.
These dates are usually determined in part by major Islamic festivals.