Guerrilla gunmen were said to be dancing in the streets under green Islamic banners.
Faces were contorted with rage as the crowd, waving green Islamic banners, pushed, shoved, spat and shouted.
These defeats resulted in a sudden takeover of the Sassanid empire by Bedouin tribes under the Islamic banner.
The procession for Sheik Shehada, whose body was wrapped in a green Islamic banner, and most of the other victims drew 100,000 or more marchers.
Black flags of mourning, green Islamic banners and Palestinian flags snapped taut in the wind.
One wears a white robe and an Islamic banner around his waist, a Sterling machine gun in his right hand.
Still, political figures and parties have risen beneath an Islamic banner to challenge the militant secularism.
Since 1988, Kashmiris, Pathans and others who are fighting under Islamic banners have stepped up the war in Kashmir, leaving 300,000 dead.
Throughout this period there was no flag specific to Iran, although the use of Islamic banners was common.
Both sides have raised Islamic banners, and part of the dispute is over who would be the main religious leader.