Nathaniel Musaaleh Muhammad, was the Nation of Islam minister of the Kansas City Mosque.
A Nation of Islam minister asked everyone to remember that they were gathered to support Mixon's family, and one family member spoke of how Mixon had strayed from God.
Because the Nation of Islam minister has always leveled especially harsh comments at Jews, good people everywhere look to Jewish leaders for their views regarding Mr. Farrakhan.
Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam minister who angered many women when he barred them from attending a speech here last winter, returned on Wednesday night and delivered a speech that only women could attend.
Many consider it portentous that former NAACP President Benjamin Chavis is now a Nation of Islam minister.
Does he, Chavis, refute the anti-Semitism of the Nation of Islam minister?
Nonetheless, his relationship with the Nation of Islam minister has drawn attention and energy away from his efforts to redirect the N.A.A.C.P. toward his philosophy of self-determination.
He mentioned, too, that he had spoken out against Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam minister.
Malcolm X (1925-1965), Nation of Islam minister and activist, founder of the Organization of Afro-American Unity, spent formative years in Roxbury.
Two Nation of Islam ministers sat on the other side.