He headed cattle operations for the Irvine Company from 1953 to 1977, then became the company's corporate secretary until his death in 1993.
Watson was hired in 1960 as chief planner of the Irvine Company.
It is a planned city, mostly made by the Irvine Company since the 1960s.
It opened in 1988 and is owned by The Irvine Company.
By the late 1970s, the Irvine Company had ceased its cattle business altogether.
By 1996, he had purchased all outstanding shares to be the sole owner of the Irvine Company.
The Irvine Company leaves little to chance in any field of endeavor.
Still, the Irvine Company remains in fairly solid shape.
It is a planned city, mainly developed by the Irvine Company since the 1960s.
It was the first outside business to be allowed onto land owned by The Irvine Company.