In the first series his boss was Deakin, a tough Irish policeman.
Nolan, the Irish policeman, had also fallen, sprawling all his great length in the grass, and it was red with his blood.
Jon Voight is an obsessed Irish policeman, a high school football coach and a homicidal spy.
The character, originally an Irish policeman, became a Latino.
French obtained a cash bonus for Irish policemen, and pressed for them to receive decorations.
The gray-haired man looked left again, but high this time, away from the girl, who was now watching him rather like a young, blue-eyed Irish policeman.
The ebullient Irish policeman waved back with great enthusiasm.
The way he talked sounded part Yankee, part foreign, like one of those friendly Irish policemen in the old movies: "Och, mind you!"
Two policemen - Irish policemen too - dead and killed on the same day as the first sitting of the new Irish parliamentarians.
An Irish policeman takes his off.